Sterilization: A Compassionate Choice for Your Canine Friends

If you’re a pet owner, an animal lover, or an advocate for animal welfare, you likely want to make informed...

Spaying Your Dog: A Responsible and Caring Choice

Spaying your dog is an important decision that significantly influences their health, behaviour, and the well-being of the canine community...

Does Neutering/Spaying Dogs Calm Them Down? Separating Fact from Fiction

As a dog owner, you’ve probably heard that neutering your canine companion can lead to a calmer and more well-behaved...

28th September 2023 – World Rabies Day Events by CCC

World Rabies Day is an annual global awareness campaign observed on 28th Sept that aims to educate people about the...

Forgotten Lives: The Heartbreaking Struggles of India’s Stray and Abandoned Dogs

Travel to any city in India, and you’ll discover the existence of an often-overlooked tragedy: the heartbreaking plight of stray...

Spaying and Neutering

There is no difference between these two words, except that spay is solely a female term. Neutering is a gender-neutral...

Cultural and Societal Perceptions of Street Dogs

Street dogs occupy a unique position on the streets of our country. Some people don’t even notice them, while some...

Feeding Stray Dogs

Feeding stray dogs is a social responsibility that can help improve the lives of these animals and the community at...

Dogs are man’s Best Friend

The history of the relationship between dogs and humans goes back thousands of years. It is believed that dogs were...

This is a rabies blog.

Rabies is a 100% vaccine-preventable disease

Rabies is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system of mammals, including humans. The rabies virus spreads from...