
Watch for these Signs After Dog Neutering: What to Watch For

Neutering your dog is a common procedure that benefits both you and your pet. However, it’s crucial to be aware...

Understanding Dog Neuter Surgery: Time, Recovery, and Care

When it comes to your dog’s health and well-being, it’s essential to understand every aspect of their care, including surgical...

Sterilization: A Compassionate Choice for Your Canine Friends

If you’re a pet owner, an animal lover, or an advocate for animal welfare, you likely want to make informed...

Spaying Your Dog: A Responsible and Caring Choice

Spaying your dog is an important decision that significantly influences their health, behaviour, and the well-being of the canine community...

Does Neutering/Spaying Dogs Calm Them Down? Separating Fact from Fiction

As a dog owner, you’ve probably heard that neutering your canine companion can lead to a calmer and more well-behaved...

What does a dog’s body language say?

A dog’s body language is a complex and nuanced form of communication that reveals their feelings, intentions, and overall state...

28th September 2023 – World Rabies Day Events by CCC

World Rabies Day is an annual global awareness campaign observed on 28th Sept that aims to educate people about the...

Forgotten Lives: The Heartbreaking Struggles of India’s Stray and Abandoned Dogs

Travel to any city in India, and you’ll discover the existence of an often-overlooked tragedy: the heartbreaking plight of stray...

Spaying and Neutering

There is no difference between these two words, except that spay is solely a female term. Neutering is a gender-neutral...

Cultural and Societal Perceptions of Street Dogs

Street dogs occupy a unique position on the streets of our country. Some people don’t even notice them, while some...